$222.00 USD

1:1 Soulful Strategy Session

Your 30-day success plan for more impact, growth and visibility online, sales and soul-aligned clients.

What you'll get:

  • 60-minute private strategy session via Zoom with Keri. 

  •  Clarity in what you desire to bring forth in your online presence and social media.

  • Dive into your messaging, offers and what you want to be known for so you can stand out and SHINE.

  •  Address any blocks standing in your way from showing up confidently online, selling and promoting your services and owning who you are and what you’re here to do.

  • Identify any tweaks or shifts in your mindset that need to be cleaned up so you can be a match to the business and online presence you want.
  •  Create a 30-day social media success plan of actions, content ideas, mindset shifts and simple strategies to start building the confidence, clarity and momentum required to build a body of work you’re proud to share.

After purchase you will be emailed a link to my calendar to book our call along with details to get the most out of this experience.

I can't wait to support you.