$188.00 USD

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Going Live

Your 40-day launch plan that’s going to walk you, step by step, through how to build, launch and grow a wildly successful podcast.

A group program + mini mastermind led by Keri Kugler of the Aligned Woman Podcast

*Pay in full discount linked below*

One of the most impactful decisions I’ve made since starting my business was building an avenue to impact, share my story and connect deeper with my community OUTSIDE of social media. I honestly don’t know if my business would be where it’s at today had I not prioritized this early on.

I believe building something that goes beyond IG posts and the algorithm is crucial to our success and also our fulfillment, creativity and purpose as online business ownersand when it’s done with heart, integrity and service at the forefront the possibilities are endless.

That's exactly what this program is rooted in...

Walking you through each step of the process of starting, launching and growing your podcast + a deep dive into the heart-centered, soul-aligned building blocks required to create a show that's an extension of you, your story, your gifts and the impact you're here to create.

What you're going to learn:

  • The reasons why podcasting is the perfect avenue to help you grow your business, impact and reach.
  • The building blocks required for a successful show.
  • How to narrow down what your show is about, who it's for and what types of episodes you want to create.
  • How to come up with incredible episode ideas + how to create/record/edit/upload episodes that speak to and MOVE your people.
  • Logistics on logistics on logistics! How to get your show approved, where to host it, what equipment to buy, what software to use, how to create a beautiful cover photo for your show, where to find music for your intro--OMG the list goes on!
  • How to have a successful 1st launch for your podcast (eeeeee!!)
  • How to nurture, grow and create consistency with your episodes and with your people.
  • How to batch record, create monthly themes, host interviews, etc.
  • All of my little tips and tricks that have allowed me to grow, get favored in the algorithm and be seen by more people.

This program is PACKED. My intention is for you to leave feeling clear, inspired and set up on every level (without having to Google your life away on 'how to start a podcast') to start building YOUR show the Aligned Woman way.

What you'll get:

  • 5 core modules breaking down the exact steps of how to start, launch and grow your podcast.
  • 5 live group calls where you can get personalized, 1:1 support + mastermind with other powerful women who are who are taking the journey of building their podcast.
  • Hands on tutorial in Garage Band to walk you through how to record, edit, host interviews and publish your episodes.
  • Lifetime access to all videos, links, downloads and homework.

After purchase you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the course.

To pay in full and receive a discount, click the link below:


Some Going Live Success Stories:

Going Live gave me the courage and confidence to finally take action on a desire that has been on my heart for some time now + get my message out into the world without all of the overwhelm of trying to figure it out on my own. The modules and set up of the program and the support from Keri was simple, clear and motivating! The thing I loved most about Going Live was how in depth and to the point everything was.

Delainy Miller of the Courageously Redefined Podcast

Going Live was EVERYTHING I NEEDED to quickly and efficiently start my own podcast. A perfect combination of practical steps, detailed explanation, and much needed words of encouragement. The thing I loved most about Going Live is that it kept me on track to set a launch day, and to have a plan + the support to get there. If I had to describe it in a few short words it would be - efficient, the exact guidance + tools I needed, and full of the love and encouragement I always know I am going to get from Keri.

Sarah Heredia of the Freely You Podcast